Leaves and Cells

Leaves and Cells

Leaves and Cells, 2011

watercolor, oil, copier acetate



このシリーズは、顕微鏡を覗いた時に見える化学的なイメージを基に制作した。花粉や細胞を顕微鏡で除くと強烈な色合いや形が見える。肉眼では見ることのできない有機的な形状と自然界に秘められた法則を学びながら絵に応用したかった。フィリップ・バルの「Shapes」、「Branches」、イアン・スチュアートの「自然界の秘められたデザイン 雪の結晶はなぜ六角形なのか」、雪の結晶の写真版を作った中谷宇吉郎の著作は特に参考にした書籍である。また、セントラル・セント・マーチンズの図書館で見つけた化学標本や細胞の顕微鏡写真をファイルアップしたのをよく覚えている。顕微鏡で観察するとまるでゴッホの絵のように見ることから、彼の名を冠したウイルスがいたことも記憶に新しい。



This series was inspired by the chemical imagery visible under a microscope. Observing pollen or cells through a microscope reveals intense colors and fascinating forms. I wanted to incorporate these organic shapes and the hidden rules of nature into my work, learning from what cannot be seen with the naked eye. The books that especially influenced me included Shapes and Branches by Philip Ball, The Hidden Geometry of Nature: Why Snowflakes Are Hexagonal? by Ian Stewart, and publications by Ukichiro Nakaya, who produced a photographic collection of snow crystals. I also recall uploading microscope images of chemical samples and cells I found in the library at Central Saint Martins.

The microscopic views often reminded me of Van Gogh's paintings, even to the extent that I discovered a virus named after him. In nature, organisms are designed to grow symmetrically, adapting their forms based on environmental conditions such as temperature, sun position, and humidity. These factors influence symmetry as they shape growth. All life forms originate from minute particles, and this understanding was fundamental to the expression of this series.

Through this series, I also arrived at Stuart Kauffman's theory of "self-organization," a discovery that proved to be a significant milestone in my artistic journey.




