Leaves in South Korea

Leaves in South Korea




This series was created during my participation in the residency program at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Changdong Studio in 2012. It continued the concept I began in London of painting fallen leaves on acrylic sheets, this time using Korean paints. I mixed the paints, similar to acrylic gouache, with linseed oil to create the work. By emphasizing the unique subdued tones of Korean paints, I abstracted the decayed textures and vein patterns of the leaves. At the same time, I aimed to replicate the texture of leaves by applying the reaction between oil and paint, which naturally repel each other on acrylic sheets.

Looking back now, I recall that the relationship between Japan and South Korea was tense at the time, with South Korea preparing for a presidential election. Participating in this residency program amidst the politically unstable relationship between Japan and South Korea was an unforgettable experience in my life. Additionally, living and collaborating with artists from other countries during the program was highly stimulating. I also found it strangely delightful to discover that my birthday coincided exactly with that of both Itō Hirobumi and Ahn Jung-geun, the latter being the man who assassinated the former.


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